What I Read in 2018 - aka The Brief Resurrection of My Blog

I'm publishing a blog post--a Christmas Miracle! It likely won't happen for another year, but I might never forgive my bibliophile self (and you might not either) for skipping this year's official record of my reads, so here it is!. I thought my list was relatively short this year, but discovered the opposite after going through my my titles: the standard WWII collection, fiction and non, audiobooks, kids stuff, spiritual reads --the whole enchilada-- with my totally subjective ratings, content analysis, and the briefest of reviews (wink) I could manage for each. Fiction // Historical Fiction // Based on True Story The Women in the Castle - 3.5 Stars New concept WWII book about a trio of German women whose husbands perish in a failed plot against Hitler, exploring how their lives play out. Phenomenal writing style - I literally stopped a few different times to marvel at a sentence or phrase simply for its beauty and creativity. Initial...